Friday 31 August 2012

Top 5 Songs with Moon in the title - In tribute to Neil Armstrong

Neil Alden Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, passed away last Saturday and I really could not let his death go without marking the occasion. I was 1 year and 2 weeks old when Apollo 11 landed and Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Micheal Collins made history. I don't remember a thing about it but I know it made a huge impression on me as I grew up.

A huge hat tip to JHO at Station to Station who produced a top ten which you can check out here. Apologies for shamelessly stealing your idea!

1. Nick Drake "Pink Moon" - It took me a while to really "get" Nick Drake but once I did I feel in love with his music. The Pink Moon album is probably my favourite and this is a wonderful tune.

2. Television "Marquee Moon" - Television perhaps didn't achieve as much as they could have done but this is the high point of their career. The best track from their brilliant debut LP.

3. Neko Case "I Wish I Was The Moon Tonight" - Neko Case has a truly stunning voice that could make any song sound great. This is a delicate and beautiful tune from the album "Blacklisted".

4. Creedence Clearwater Revival "Bad Moon Rising" - Regular readers will know I've been trying to progress my (very basic) guitar skills by learning how to play this very song. I've not got very far since I last reported but that hasn't diminished my appreciation of this southern rocker.

5. Genesis "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight" - Opening track from "Selling England By The Pound" when Genesis where still good and Peter Gabriel was still on vocals. It's 8 minutes long and still only the 4th longest song on the album.


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