Friday 10 January 2014

Top 5 Gigs of 2013

I was supposed to be cutting back but 2013 turned out not just to be my most frequent gig year since the peak of my addiction back in the early 90s but also the best. I give each concert a mark out of ten with eleven (hat tip Spinal Tap) reserved for the very best. Last year I saw seven gigs I consider worthy of an eleven, which must be a record though did make compiling this top five all the harder.

1. Status Quo at Hammersmith Odeon - Yep, the original frantic four back on stage for the 1st time since I started going to gigs. Quo were the band that got me into music & one of the first bands I saw but this was my first show with Alan on bass & John on drums.

Full gig report at Chopper's Gigs

Best. Night. Ever.

2. Swans at the Concorde 2 - My first brush with Mr Gira & my first gig wearing earplugs. This was an astonishing assault on the senses but also a fantastic gig.

Full gig report at Chopper's Gigs

3. The Breeders at The Forum - The whole of Last Splash followed by the whole of Pod made for a magical evening that will live long in my memory.

Full gig report at Chopper's Gigs

Kim Deal photo courtesy @substandardnerd

4. Japandroids at Dingwalls - I love Japandroids but wasn't expecting this to reach the heights of previous shows. Turned out it was another absolute blast and also their last London show for some time.

Full gig report at Chopper's Gigs

5. Pixies at Hammersmith Odeon - Rattled through more songs than you could resonably expect to fit into 90 minutes and were as good as any time I'd seen them before. I also think this was their last ever show with replacement bassist Kim Shattuck. Shame, I kind of liked her.

Full gig report at Chopper's Gigs

And, seeing as it was such an amazing year (and I've already posted this on Twitter), here are the rest of my top ten.

6. Low at Cambridge Junction - Just misses out. A 3 hour drive to get there but worth every second. A simply stunning set that confirmed I must ALWAYS go and see Low in future.

7. The Jim Jones Revue at The Sebright Arms - Always amazing live & doubly so in a tiny pub in the East End of London.

8. Bo Ningen at The Scala - An explosion of colour & elbows & huge riffs. Totally blew me away.

9. Euros Childs at Boston Music Rooms - Great set from Euros with added Laura J Martin in his band and as support. I also laughed more at Euros' between song chat than at any other gig I can remember.

10. Desaparecidos at the Electric Ballroom - A blistering set from Connor & pals at their much delayed (10 years after their only album came out) 1st UK gig.


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