Friday 30 May 2014

Chop's Gig Reports - April/May 2014

Bit of a stop gap post as it's half term and I've not got round to writing a new top five. My other blog was supposed to just give me a place to record gig set lists but has kind of taken on a life of it's own and is rapidly growing into a journal of my complete failure to cut back on live music. I guess there are worse things to be obsessed with.

Kiran Leonard at The Waiting Room - Friday 11th April 2014 - I'd never been to Stoke Newington before. It seems the music industry's current focus on East London is determined to take me to new and unexplored areas of Town. When I was a teenager & getting to gigs on my moped my Dad refused to let me go to Walthamstow as he felt it was too rough. Kiran Leonard is 18 and not only allowed to visit the edgier parts of London but also creating some of the most unique new music I've heard for some time.

School Of Language at The Lexington - Wednesday 23rd April 2014 - I assume you know that School of Language are the band David Brewis has put together as a solo project for the moments when Field Music are on hiatus. Since Field Music went on a break, following their Mercury Music Prize nominated album Plumb, David has put together a live band to back Eleanor Friedberger on her recent UK tour, produced a the excellent new SoL album Old Fears and reworked several songs from the SoL debut LP for release as a pre-order enticement.

The Sonics at Concorde 2, Brighton - Monday 5th May 2014 - I had unfinished business with The Sonics. The last time I saw them live (which was also the first time the reformed line-up played in the UK) was back in 2008. I was near the back and I didn't really connect with the show the way I'd hoped for. Tonight I made sure I was right down the front and the band did not disappoint.


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