Friday 24 July 2015

Harkive 2015

Harkive is an annual, online music research project that gathers stories from people around the world about how, where and why they listened to music on a single day. 21st July 2015 was the third iteration and the third time I've taken part.

I got things off to an early listening to Spotify via my iPhone at quarter past midnight as I tried to get to sleep. Music helps me shut down and there aren't many nights I go to sleep without some form of music playing.

Despite the late night I was up before Seven the following morning and listening to BBC 6 Music via the Digital Radio in the Kitchen. This isn't something I normally do but I was motivated to do the washing up I'd failed to do the night before after getting sidetracked into watching a couple of ropey old movies.

The ever excellent Chris Hawkins ended his show with a bit off Jimi Hendrix ...

Then Craig Charles, a welcome stand-in for regular breakfast show host Shaun Keaveny, opened with the Ramones, a choice guaranteed to put me in a good mood.

21st July 2015 was also my youngest's last day at Primary school and therefore the very last time I'd ever do the familiar walk to school to drop him off. I did my best to put a brave face on for the relentless passing of time.

Jumped in the car and headed off to work with sounds provided by my iPod. I was in work by 9:30 which meant no music until lunchtime at the earliest.

Thankfully I managed to have a proper lunch hour today and dragged myself to the gym for a long overdue bit of exercise. I took my iPhone with me and listened to a playlist of new music on shuffle as I plodded along on the cross-trainer.

Then no music again until the drive home, continuing to listen to my current favourite Thee Oh Sees album.

After eating tea & washing up I did a bit of ironing and caught up with a Marc Riley show from last week. I record these on my TV Hard Drive Recorder which saves me having to rely on the BBC iPlayer and gives my ears a break from using headphones.

Had planned an early night but ended up listening to the last half hour of the Gideon Coe show live via a portable digital radio.

Squeezed in my final Harkive tweet of the day at 23:59 ...

... which turned out to be the final UK Harkive tweet too.

The Harkive website now has a data explorer section which provides all sorts of possibilities for examining what people are listening too and how they listen. My summary of facts and figures looks something like this (no visual stats yet as I've not got time but I might come back to this later as I reckon everyone loves a Pie Chart).

Devices used: iPhone, Digital Radio, iPod Nano, TiVo HDR, Portable Digital Radio
Music Sources: Spotify, BBC 6Music, my MP3 library
Music choices: Bit of a mixed bag but generally fairly recent alternative guitar based rock


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